By emitting laser light to pick up pulses that bounce back, LIDAR (Light Imaging, Detection, and Ranging) can calculate distances of objects and render an accurate 3D visualization of the object in seconds without the need of video surveillance cameras.
Lidar monitors your perimeter in real-time, notifying you of any movements. It has a long range that can provide readings accurate to a centimetre.
What makes Lidar better than surveillance cameras?
Regular surveillance cameras capture ambient light and processes to track objects. Lidar systems on the other hand emit their own light to track objects. In times of insufficient lighting, e.g. at night, Lidar will still function efficiently. Lidar can be easily mounted onto existing structures without the need to dig trenches or run excess cabling.
Yi-Ke Innovations customizes and offers an advanced integrated security solution tailored to building/premise needs. It ensures threats are detected and stopped before they even take place.