Fibre Runner, Cable Basket & Support

The support system for equipment and cabling is a critical component of a well-designed data-communications system. One of the most overlooked yet important aspects of a network designer`s role is the specifications of a cable-support system. Key areas such as plenum requirements, amount of mechanical protection needed, finishes, materials, grounding requirements, expansion, and load capacity needs to be considered when breaking down the requirements of this complex design process.

Yi-Ke’s industry-leading expertise, industry certifications, track records, and experience, can help to ensure precise cabling changes, maintenance troubleshooting and minimal cable damage due to sharp edges, movement, and improper bends.

Types of Cable Support offered:
• Cable Basket
• Fibre Runner
• Cable Trunking
• Cable Ladder
• Cable Tray
• Conduit
• Ez-path


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